Spain 2014/Hiszpania 2014/Spagna 2014
Atlantic City 2014
Casino Showroom Theater, pierwszy zbudowany w stylu Broadway w Atlantic City, 2014 miejsc. Pełny, oczywiście. I tam byli nie tylko - wiele - Włosi , którzy mieszkają w Atlantic City lub którzy przybyli specjalnie z wizytą na weekend bel canto. Porocz tego Rosjanie, Albańczycy, Rumuni, Amerykanie.I jeszcze Al Bano z bogatym składem:20 utworów, składanka, bis.
5 . 08 . 14 - Perelada (Girona)
LA SPAGNA – E ora, il nuovo concerto insieme in Spagna, a Perelada, vicino a Girona. Le canzoni, i fan in delirio… Ma, soprattutto, il nuovo tenero ballo assieme, stretti, sorridenti. Fino alla fine, quando si tengono mano nella mano. Come ai bei vecchi tempi. E tutti tornano a sognare.
Albano Carrisi e Romina Power tornano a far sognare i loro fan. Dopo l’ammissione di Al Bano sul “nuovo inizio” con l’ex moglie , ecco che durante il concerto in Spagna si lasciano andare a un nuovo romantico ballo di coppia sul palco. Come dire, sono ben più di tre gli indizi che fanno una prova.
HISZPANIA - I teraz, nowy koncert razem w Hiszpanii, Perelada, w pobliżu Girona. Piosenki, fani krzyczą ... Ale przede wszystkim, taniec razem, blisko, uśmiechają się. Aż do końca, kiedy idą w parze za ręce . Jak za starych dobrych czasów. A wszyscy znowu zaczynają marzyc .
Albano Carrisi i Romina Power przywracają do marzeń swoich fanów. Po wyborze Al Bano na "nowy początek" z byłą żoną, tutaj w Hiszpanii podczas
koncertu,pojawia się nowy romantyczny taniec na scenie. Tak, jakby powiedzieć, jest więcej niż trzy wskazówki, że są razem.
SPAIN - And now,new concert together in Spain,Perelada,near Girona.Songs,screaming fans...But most important - dance,together,close,smiling.Until the end,when they hold each others hands.Like the good old times. And everyone starts to dream again.
Albano Carrisi and Romina Power make their fans dream again.After Al Bano's choice for "a new start" with his ex-wife,here in Spain during the concert,they dance a romantic dance on stage.
SPAIN - And now,new concert together in Spain,Perelada,near Girona.Songs,screaming fans...But most important - dance,together,close,smiling.Until the end,when they hold each others hands.Like the good old times. And everyone starts to dream again.
Albano Carrisi and Romina Power make their fans dream again.After Al Bano's choice for "a new start" with his ex-wife,here in Spain during the concert,they dance a romantic dance on stage.
26 . 04 . 14 - Casino Showroom Theater
Appuntamento allo Showroom Theater del Casino, il primo in stile Brodway costruito ad Atlantic City, 2014 posti. Pieno, naturalmente. E non ci sono solo i – tantissimi – italoamericani che vivono ad Atlantic City o che ci sono venuti apposta regalandosi un week end di bel canto, ricordi tricolore e puntatine alle slot machine. In paltea, russi, albanesi, romeni, americani. Tutti a seguire col labiale e (nei peggiori dei casi) rincorrendo gli inarrivabili acuti di Al Bano una scaletta ricca: 20 brani, un medley, un bis.
A sorpresa, durante We'll live it again (Lo vivremo di nuovo…). A metà dell’esibizione, infatti, Al Bano stupisce tutti e dice: "Ma a questo punto della canzone, noi non ballavamo?" Non aspetta la risposta, cinge Romina e regala, dopo oltre 18 anni, l’abbraccio che milioni di fans e paparazzi hanno invano inseguito.
A differenza dei concerti di Mosca, stavolta Romina non è una guest star, ma una compagna di viaggio: la scaletta integra i brani che Al Bano canta da solo con quelli che i due cantano insieme (tra cui Sempre sempre, Ci sarà, Nostalgia Canaglia, Libertà, Sharazan, il bis Felicità) e quelli che la Power canta da sola. Come il suo nuovo singolo, We have a message, o la poesia, Mother child tome and I (Madre, figlio, tempo e io) scritta nel 1979, che declama commossa.
Zaskakujaco, podczas utworu- "We'll live it all again" ("Przeżyjmy to jeszcze raz"). W połowie spektaklu, w rzeczywistości, Al Bano zaskoczył wszystkich mówiąc: "Ale czy w tym momencie utworu, tańczymy?". Nie czekając na odpowiedź, otacza Romine, która po ponad 18 lat, daje uścisk, na który miliony fanów i paparazzi czekali.
W przeciwieństwie do koncertu w Moskwie, tym razem Romina nie jest gościem, ale towarzyszem podróży: drabina łączy utwory, które śpiewa sam Al Bano w tym spiewaja dwa razem (w tym "Sempre Sempre", "Ci Sara", "Nostalgia Canaglia","Liberta","Sharazan", "Felicita"- bis) i te,które śpiewa sama Romina. Jak jej nowy singiel, "Un Messaggio", lub wiersze, matka i dziecko I księga (Matka, syn, razem, i ja) napisane w 1979 roku.
Casino Showroom Theater,first ever built in the style of Broadway in Atlantic City,2014 places.Full obviously.And ther not only italians who live the USA or the ones that came especially for the evening.Apart from that russians,albanians,romanians,americans.And also Al Bano with a rich team of:20 songs and a bis.
Surprisingly,during the song "We'll live it all again".In the middle of the show,in fact,Al Bano surprised everyone saying:"In this part of the song do we not dance?".Not waiting for an answer,he took Romina,who after 18 years,gave him a hug,for which millions of fans and paparazzi waited for.
Differently to the concert in Moscow,this time Romina wasn't a guest but a companion:the songs were,which Albano sang himslef 2 together(in this "Sempre Sempre", "Ci Sara", "Nostalgia Canaglia","Liberta","Sharazan", "Felicita"- bis)and those,which Romina sang herself.Like her new song "A Message",or poems,-Mother ,son,together and I-wrote in the year 1979.
Casino Showroom Theater,first ever built in the style of Broadway in Atlantic City,2014 places.Full obviously.And ther not only italians who live the USA or the ones that came especially for the evening.Apart from that russians,albanians,romanians,americans.And also Al Bano with a rich team of:20 songs and a bis.
Surprisingly,during the song "We'll live it all again".In the middle of the show,in fact,Al Bano surprised everyone saying:"In this part of the song do we not dance?".Not waiting for an answer,he took Romina,who after 18 years,gave him a hug,for which millions of fans and paparazzi waited for.
Differently to the concert in Moscow,this time Romina wasn't a guest but a companion:the songs were,which Albano sang himslef 2 together(in this "Sempre Sempre", "Ci Sara", "Nostalgia Canaglia","Liberta","Sharazan", "Felicita"- bis)and those,which Romina sang herself.Like her new song "A Message",or poems,-Mother ,son,together and I-wrote in the year 1979.
Moskwa 2013/Moscow 2013/Mosca 2013
17/18 . 10 . 2013 - Crocus City Hall

Albano Carrisi e Romina Power insieme in Russia per il concerto-evento: tre serate di tutto esaurito, dopo 20 anni hanno cantato di nuovo insieme. La chiusura show con “Felicità”.
O 23.20 zakończył się koncert Al Bano i Rominy Power w Moskwie, który był emitowany jako specjalny wieczór na Rai Uno. Albano Carrisi i Romina Power w Rosji - razem na scenie po raz pierwszy po 20 latach śpiewali razem. Piękny koniec z "Felicita".
At 23.20 the concert finished of Al Bano and Romina Power in Moscow,which was presented by Rai Uno.Albano Carrisi and Romina Power in Russia - together on stage for the first time after 20 years sining together.Beautiful finish with "Felicita".
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